Penis enlargement has been around since the beginning of time. Even back in the golden era of Greek society, 3000 years ago, men were using all manner of techniques to enlarge their penises. These included adding weights to the penis and so using gravity as means to enlarge it. Then about 300 years ago rudimentary penis enlargement pumps appeared, using vacuum as a medium to pull blood into the penis as an aid to Erectile Dysfunction. The users of these rudimentary devices began to notice that their penises were getting bigger, and ever since then men have been obsessed with making their manhood larger by this method.
Unfortunately, despite modern advances in materials, the basic technology of vacuum pumps had changed very little in the 300 years. Then, in 2006, Bathmate was introduced and it completely revolutionized the way men conduct Penis Enlargement in today’s more sophisticated world. Ultramax engineers found that most penis pumps didn’t work very well, broke down after a few sessions, and those that did stand up to the test of use were expensive, high grade devices that unfortunately could cause great damage to the penis if used incorrectly – some even if used correctly.
The patented design of the Bathmate now makes penis enlargement safe and easy to use, because unlike traditional vacuum pumps, the Bathmate uses water as the vacuum medium for creating penis enlargement. By using water, especially warm water when in the shower or in the bath-tub, it loosens up your tissues, allowing for more growth and minimizing any damage that might otherwise occur. You could compare this to weight training outside in the middle of winter, your cold muscles would suffer, resulting in strains and even injury to yourself..
So why is Bathmate safe?
Three key factors are the reasons why Bathmate works so well and is considered the safest Penis enlargement device on the market today.
- Firstly, the medium in which it is used, water. Water creates a vacuum that is highly controllable and it also lubricates and cushions the penis during erection. Not only does this do away with messy, costly gels, it also protects the penis and prevents damage.
- Secondly, the design of the bellows (the rubber part of the Bathmate) does not allow you to exceed the negative pressure threshold of 0.4 bar. Compare this to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration in the United States) which states that any device that uses more than 0.56 bar of negative pressure in Penis Pumps must go through FDA testing and approval before it is allowed to be sold in the United States. Similar rules equally apply in Europe and all around the world. Also, the Bathmate has a large cushioned area on which the unit rests while creating and maintaining negative pressure. This prevents the unit from hurting your pelvic area or damaging your skin. Our tests have shown that pumps which only provide minimal protection for the skin can cause significant damage, whereas some can literally penetrate the skin of the user if the pressure is too high. Think of it this way; in one of our experiments we bought 10 penis pumps. These were made up of manual pumps, electrically operated pumps and trigger gun penis pumps, all of which we then put through our Melon Test. The Melon Test was performed using a melon (as the name suggests) because a melon has similar properties as the human skin; rough on the outside, but soft on the inside. Eight of the penis pumps tested penetrated the skin of the melon. Another seriously damaged the surface of the melon, leaving visible marks and “Melon Bleed”, and the tenth penis pump, the electric one, generated so much pressure that it literally sank into the melon. We did test an eleventh pump, the Bathmate penis pump, and at maximum negative pressure it caused no harm to the melon.
- The third and finally reason why the Bathmate is so safe for enlarging your penis is based on sound medical evidence and careful study of how the penis works. After all, leading urologists around the world would hardly say it was safe to use if that were not the case. A leading urologist in New York has even gone public on radio to say that Bathmate is so safe to use he has one hanging in his shower and uses it himself on a regular basis. He also recommends other men to do the same in order to keep the penis healthy. Compare this to the side effects and the possible adverse medical results of using drugs, which do not enlarge the penis and can cost a lot of money.
So gentlemen, now that you have the information you can make up your own minds. Is Penis Enlargement safe? The answer is yes, it is safe, but only if it is done correctly and with the correct product. Bathmate is designed to do just that, and that is why Bathmate warrants the title: king of penis pumps.